Information is neutral.

Only in the end, you will realize what this piece of information means to you.

The meaning of each occurrence in your life is determined by your perspective.

Fall is the most beautiful and colorful season, but it is also the most difficult time to clean up the foliage in the backyard. Some people enjoy hearing birds sing in the morning, while others complain that it disturbs their sleep. Human society has a tendency to generalize the meaning of an event. Losing a job, developing a chronic illness, or even losing a loved one has a socially negative connotation. However, if a person has been under too much stress at work, losing a job can save his or her life. Chronic illness may heighten one's awareness of the importance of good health and lead to longevity.

What you battle for could or might not be what you genuinely desire. What you think you want could not be what your soul wants. In the end, every event in life is designed to be a beautiful experience; hence there is no judgment, no good or bad. Simply enjoy it.


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